The Hand Tied Garden Bouquet
Our Hand Tied Garden Bouquet includes the freshest seasonal flowers and greenery and it comes in our signature bouquet box. Whether you want to let someone know you are thinking of them, or "just because", our Garden Bouquet is perfect for any occasion.
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A handwritten note is included with every order on our signature enclosure card.
Each bouquet is unique. The bouquet you receive will not be the same as pictured. But we guarantee that it will be beautiful and include the freshest, seasonal, 100% American-grown flowers and greenery.
We currently offer next-day delivery Monday-Friday to Boise, Meridian, Eagle, and Garden City. Please select the desired delivery date at checkout under Local Delivey.
Delivery fee is calculated based on zip code:
$5: 83703, 83714
$10: 83616, 83646, 83702, 83704, 83713, 83720, 83724
$15: 83642, 83705, 83706, 83709, 83712